NICU & Preemiehood

Kaylee Jane was born at 31 weeks and 4 days gestation

My preemie baby has made me a stronger person...

Watching the incredible strength she had entering the world at birth as a tiny fighter-

I will never take a day

or a breath she takes

for granted

She was 2 pounds, 11 ounces

She was 16 inches long

She spent one month in the NICU

We brought her home as a preemie at 36 weeks gestation

There are so many NICU experiences only other NICU parents can fully understand..

-The reality that every single ounce of weight gain matters

-The first time you hold your baby anticipation met with navigating a tiny baby with wires everywhere

-Long lonely days and nights that are sleepless

-The thorough sanitation process at the hand washing station

-A new member of the family that no one else has officially met due to NICU rules of only mom and dad visits

-Change of nurse staff every 12 hours

-Spending most of the early NICU days bonding with baby through the incubator

-Constant beeping of monitors everywhere day and night

-Photo walls of NICU graduates

-Navigating going back to work and the balance of visiting baby at the NICU

-The challenge of getting preemie to finish a bottle (once bottle feeding) and keeping baby up to finish every last drop

-The NICU milestones: suck, swallow, breath

-The anticipation of NICU graduation and the reality when it arrives unexpectedly

-The beauty and understandable stress of the NICU staff

-The way the NICU Journey will stay with us forever


It's a Girl: Baby Reveal Party